Typically, preparers reprint checks only if a check becomes damaged or did not print correctly in the first place. In general, you only reprint in a situation where you have possession of the original check.
In this scenario, you can reprint the check, write "Void" on the original check, and return the voided check to the bank.
Reprinting a check is different from reissuing a check. A typical "reissue" scenario is where the taxpayer's check was lost or stolen. In this situation, the preparer does not have possession of the check. Contact the bank for specific instructions on reissuing a check.
To reprint a check:
Be sure to write VOID on the original check and forward it to the bank.
You can also visit https://ocp.atxinc.com/SelectChecks.aspx.
The Client Login screen appears.
The Online Check Printing page appears.
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See Also: